Through a planned coherent curriculum in Computing pupils will become confident computer scientists equipped with the skills and knowledge needed to flourish in an ever-changing digital world. They will be educated on how to use technology positively, responsibly and safely and encouraged to be creators not just consumers.
To do this they will have opportunities to develop an understanding of computer science, information technology and digital literacy. These strands will be revisited repeatedly to ensure the children develop a deep understanding of computing. They will use a variety of software, learn key skills and build confidence. They will become computational thinkers able to approach problems across the whole curriculum and in everyday life.
In Early Years the children experience computing in a range of contexts. They develop problem solving skills through activities such as story sequencing and pattern spotting. They develop confidence using a keyboard and mouse through digital painting and educational games online. They learn that computers can be used to find out information.
At KS1 this learning is through the study of digital painting, digital writing, grouping data, digital photography, making music and pictograms. Children look at technology and information technology within the school and in the world around them and are introduced to early programming concepts using floor robots and Scratch Jr. They learn how to stay safe online.
At KS2 this learning is extended through the study of a broad range of computing applications such as animation, desktop publishing, spreadsheets, audio editing, video editing, web page creation and 3D modelling. Pupils learn about networks and the Internet and how to work collaboratively. They learn key programming concepts including sequence, selection and repetition using block-based programming languages to design games, create music and control physical devices. They learn how to keep safe online and where to look if they need help.