Through a planned, coherent curriculum in Music, pupils will develop a love and passion for music, understand its context and realise their own musical self and identity. They will grow as performers, with confidence to improvise and compose with creativity and self-expression. Pupils will gain the skills to access and appreciate music, allowing them to collaborate and take part in the wider community.
To do this they will: learn to sing with musicality and expression; critically engage with music across a range of historical periods, genres, styles and traditions; learn to read musical notation; and use the inter-related dimensions of music (pitch, duration, dynamics, tempo, timbre, texture, structure) to compose and perform.
In Early Years the children learn to sing and move to nursery rhymes and action songs; take part in musical activities that embed pulse, rhythm and pitch; create their own sounds using tuned and untuned instruments and begin to share and perform music.
In KS1 children will learn how pulse, rhythm and pitch work together in a wide range of musical styles including Old School Hip-Hop, Reggae, Blues, Baroque, Latin, Bhangra, Folk, Funk, Bossa Nova, Pop, Afropop, South African and Classical music. They will use their imagination to experiment, create, select and combine sounds using their voices as well as tuned and untuned instruments. In Year 2 they will also learn songs and perform as part of a nativity production.
In KS2 children will continue to develop their knowledge of musical history and styles exploring Pop, Grime, Gospel, Rock, Ballads, Bossa Nova, Swing, Jazz, Hip- Hop, Motown and Classical music. They will make links between music and social movements, understanding how music and culture interact to create change. They will sing with increasing accuracy, fluency and expression and begin to play and perform music with confidence and control for a range of purposes. They will have further opportunities to learn how to play tuned instruments including the recorder, glockenspiel and keyboard. They will also learn to use and understand stave notation including some language of music. In Year 6 the children will also learn and perform music for a school production.
We are currently updating our Music curriculum - details of the Grid and Milestones will be published in due course.