Through a planned coherent curriculum in Geography pupils will become more aware of and curious about the world in which they live. Children will acquire and develop confidence to ask questions and interpret information through a growing understanding of aspects of both physical landscapes and human activity.
To do this they will experience using maps to locate places and to find information; gain an appreciation of the complexity of the natural world through learning about aspects of climate, vegetation and some of the physical process which shape our landscape; begin to understand some of the ways man interacts with and so influences those landscapes; begin to use appropriate geographical vocabulary to describe physical and human geographical features; and to have a sense of awe and wonder. (All classes study a chosen country in addition to the specific geography curriculum.)
In Early Years the children talk about their known area; learn about the location and cultures of a variety of different countries, considering similarities and differences; and learn about rainforest, desert and arctic environments and the animals which may be found there. This global perspective inspires curiosity.
At KS1 this learning is through using maps of the UK and the world; observation of weather and the seasons in the local area; comparing island life in Scotland and Japan; and an introduction to observational fieldwork in the local area.
At KS2 this learning is extended through Ordnance Survey mapwork of the UK; atlas work of Europe, South and North America; the formation and physical features of volcanoes, earthquakes, rivers and mountains; key aspects of world climate zones; contrasting city and village life; and settlements and land use.